Virtual Data Room Features

A virtual data room is a secure platform that lets you share, store and collaborate on documents. Modern VDRs include a range of features to assist you in managing and organizing the information you keep. These include drag-and-drop and two-way syncing that allows you to have your room up and running within minutes. Furthermore, granular permissions, print and saving controls, tracking all actions, sophisticated questions and answers, and reporting allow for seamless collaboration.

The most frequent use for VDRs is that of VDR is due diligence in M&A transactions. The sell-side must scrutinize and document the buy-side for the transaction. Both parties need to perform this in a safe environment.

Other important features of a data room include:

Document labels. Labels can be added and managed to allow you to categorize your files in an organized folder structure, which makes it easier to find the information you require. Certain VDRs support automatic indexing which allows you to organize thousands of files quicker.

Integrated search functionality. Searching in the VDR can help you find the information quickly. Certain VDRs also come with advanced features, such as a quick scroll-through viewer that makes document viewing faster. Certain VDRs also let you filter documents using metadata or extensions to files.

Customer support. If you have questions regarding a particular feature or a general question regarding how to make use of the data space select a company that provides 24/7 support via email, phone or in-app chat. Some companies have teams focused on handling the most complicated requests and providing professional guidance.

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